Public Lands: Nationwide Federal and State (the most accurateand complete nationwide dataset ever created).
Here is just a preview of the mapoptions that ROAM puts right at your fingertips. This allows you to try our full app for 7days.ROAM APP FEATURES▶ MAP DATA FEATURESFrom mountain biking to kayaking, from the summit to the sea, ifyou love outdoor adventure - WE GUARANTEE there is time-saving mapdata in the ROAM app for you. You will start afree Roam Nationwide and State Private Parcels trial when youinstall the App.
Auto-Sync and Share Waypoints, Tracks, Measurements, and Statswith your Team and between your devicesFREE TRIALWhile the App and many of it’s features are free.
Create Geotagged Photo Waypoints and Customized Waypoints.
Save Maps for Offline Use when out of cell coverage.
Switch between comprehensive Base maps including Aerial imagery,24K topo, and Hybrids.
See Recreation Access Areas and Water Sports Access Points.
Turn Map Layers and Basemaps on and off to customize your maps foryour favorite activity.
We’ve combined all your paper maps into a much more customizabledigital map suite.
Find Open Space with onXmaps’ accurate Public Lands data.
Discover new trails by browsing the most comprehensive nationwidetrails map ever created.
Turn Your smartphone or tablet into a powerful handheldGPS.
INTRODUCING THE ROAM APP BY ONXMAPSROAM turns your phone or tablet into a handheld GPS withextensive outdoor map data! Find new places to recreate using themost complete public lands & open spaces maps ever created.Going out of cellular data coverage? No problem! Your GPS workseven without cell service and you can save your maps and markupsfor offline use.