I make the patties just a little bigger than the poached egg and then sit the poached egg on top of it.

Nice :) Bubble & Squeak Cakesīubble and Squeak cakes are the way I serve this most often, especially if we’re having it for breakfast. Bubble and squeak’s an easy way to get vegetables into the kids without a fuss, and this recipes gives them a potion of their daily veggies before they’ve even got on the school bus. I tend to make a batch of this and we’ll have it a couple of times through the week if there’s time, or cook it up for an easy dinner. It’s properly delicious and I make it on a pretty regular basis. Is this a breakfast recipe? A dinner or lunch recipe? I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter a huge amount. Grab the FREE 18 Meal Ideas CHEAT SHEET Here! Bubble And Squeak For Breakfast