Limit the effect to a particular section of the video by applying a mask to concealed logos, license plates, or faces without affecting the rest of the video.

This excellent feature enables you to conveniently track any kind of object in your video and apply your choice of filters or special effects to them easily! Motion Tracking: On the high demand of the users, VEGAS now brings you Built-In Motion Tracking.Have a look at some of the most phenomenal features that VEGAS Pro has in store for its buyers:

These astounding features make your editing experience much more enjoyable than before. Powerful recent features like HDR color support, motion tracking, video stabilization, and 360° editing once again make VEGAS Pro the most unbeatable editor in the world of editing. The creators pay significant attention to every single request of the user and continue to innovate extraordinary features. What makes it stand out is the importance that the users are given. Why may you ask? The reason for VEGAS Pro being so acclaimed by editors is because of its vast amount of great features. Sony VEGAS Pro 20 Crack has always been the first and foremost choice of everyone who has a love for editing good quality videos efficiently. Download Setup & Crack Sony VEGAS Pro Crack Plus Keygen