No AI-generated content or artwork.ĥ.) Do not discuss cheats or mods that negatively affect online play.Ħ.) No sales, sales links, directing to sales, soliciting donations, or advertisements whatsoever.ħ.) Self promotion posts are allowed once per week with community participation.Ĩ.) Memes, screenshots, and video clips should follow the subreddit guidelines.ĩ.) No trolling, karma farming, rage posts, or other low-effort submissions. Get the best deals on Dark Souls II Sony PlayStation 3 Video Games and expand your gaming library with the largest online selection at. 1.) Please be respectful, do not harass others.Ģ.) Content must pertain to Dark Souls 1.ģ.) NSFW and otherwise crass content is not allowed.Ĥ.) All fan-art must be OC only. Opera Singer Listens to Twin Princes Dark Souls 3 OST (15.11 MB) Free Download Opera Singer Listens to Twin Princes Dark Souls 3 OST (11:00 Min) mp3.